Covenscopes Scorpio Season by Vanessa Dunne

Covenscopes Scorpio Season by Vanessa Dunne

On October 23rd at 12:51 am, the Sun moves out of balanced and harmonious Libra and into the moody depths of Scorpio’s waters. As Libra Season showed us there is beauty in the letting go, Scorpio Season shows us the importance of transformation and change through decay. Represented by the Scorpion and ruled by the planet Mars, there’s a quiet deliverance to Scorpio-- always penetrating the surface to plant it’s feet firmly on the depths of the ocean floor, getting to the root of any situation, circumstance, or emotion. As a water sign, Scorpio feels deeply, but don’t expect it to be worn on their sleeve. This is a time for taking those emotions inward to do some deep, internal reflection and regeneration. Similar to a Phoenix rising from the ashes, Scorpio knows that sometimes the only way to be born anew is to completely destroy what once was. It is during this time of the year, here in the Northern Hemisphere, that we begin to see leaves falling off trees and decaying into the Earth below. A perfect song that encapsulates this feeling is “In a Week” by Hozier, so stop what you’re doing, press play, and then keep reading!
This Scorpio Season brings us a New Moon and a Full Moon, the latter of which is also an Eclipse! The New Moon on November 4th occurs at 12°40’ minutes of Scorpio, opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise. Needless to say, this New Moon will likely be an emotionally complex and erratic one. While New Moons are a time for intention setting and manifesting, it may be best to take the time to turn inward for this one and bear witness to the cosmos doing it’s thing. While this lunation will impact everyone differently, one thing can be for certain: expect the unexpected.
Adding to the element of uncertainty this season, the Full Moon in Taurus is also an Eclipse. As you may remember from Eclipse Season this last spring, Eclipses are times when the Cosmos puts us where we need to be (especially if we’ve fallen off track). I think of Eclipses as the little ghost in Mario Kart who saves you when you go too far off track. With a little bit of tension from Jupiter and a little support from Pluto, this Eclipse invites you to sit back and witness where in your life you need to expand in an effort to change. When looking at the Taurus/Scorpio axis, we’re looking at life’s pleasures and life’s complexities; a delicate balance of sensuality and passion.
For more information on how this month’s astro-weather will play out for you, read on! (Hint: read for both your Sun sign AND Rising sign!)

It’s time for a deep dive, Aries, as Scorpio Season marks the shift from focusing on bringing balance and harmony to your relationships, to acknowledging your relationship to other people’s resources and how you connect to the depths of the spiritual world. As Mars, the planet of energy and passion, joins the Sun in Scorpio on October 30th, there is a newfound energy brought to this area of your life. Your ruler (Mars) returns to its second home and is able to act in a way that is thoughtful, calculated, and deep; this season is a wonderful time for you to take some time to connect to your relationship to the occult or spiritual world. Maybe that looks like learning more about Tarot, Astrology, crystals, or good old manifestation and intention setting.

Whichever it is, Aries, don’t be afraid to seek out others who can help you on your spiritual journey-- they have knowledge and resources to share, and you don’t have to embark on your journey all alone. On November 4th, the New Moon in Scorpio asks you to turn inward and reflect on where you can take your life deeper. However, be sure to keep an eye out for surprises, as this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet change. Come the Full Moon (which is an Eclipse!) on November 19th, you’re asked to look at the dichotomy of life’s pleasures and values, opposite the intricate complexities of the spiritual world. With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing, so notice where in your life you’re seeing a cultivation of the spiritual world working it’s magic and the ability to utilize other’s resources.

Taurus, this Scorpio Season is a big one for you, as relationships and partnerships come into major focus. As the Sun shifts out of the area of your life dedicated to habits, routines, and rituals, your focus moves to digging deeper into the relationships in your life and how they support you. These relationships may be complex and deep, Taurus, but it’s up to you to determine if the complexities are ones that are helpful or hurtful. As Mars, the planet of passion, moves into its second home (Scorpio) on October 30th, there is pointed energy brought to your relationships. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that Mars is also the planet of separation-- is it time to cut someone off? On November 4th, the New Moon in Scorpio invites you to turn inward to ask the questions, but note that you might be surprised by the answer. Given that Uranus, the planet of surprise and change is exactly opposite this New Moon, it's pretty much a guarantee that there will be some level of surprise or change associated with this lunation. Amplifying the element of surprise, the Full Moon on November 19th, which is also an Eclipse, asks you to look at the dichotomy of the simple pleasures in your life and the complexities of those around you. With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing, so notice where in your life the Universe is putting you in the right direction.

This Scorpio Season invites you to get intentional and serious about your habits, routines, and rituals, Gemini. As Libra Season focused on bringing beauty, balance, and harmony to your creativity and self-expression, Scorpio Season asks you to integrate all the pieces of your life into one complex, ritualistic wheel. By taking the time to dig deep into the areas of your life that need a bit of a transformation (like perhaps sticking to that night routine you sometimes do) you’re better able to find emotional security and physical wellbeing. On November 4th, the New Moon in Scorpio invites you to turn inward and set intentions related to how you want your habits and routines to blossom, but take note-- this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise and change. Be on the lookout for the unexpected and remain adaptable! Come the Full Moon on November 19th (which also happens to be an Eclipse), you’re asked to look at the dichotomy of your mental processes and your physical processes. In other words, how is your mental health and what is occurring in your subconscious mind manifesting in your physical body and daily routine? With Eclipses, it's best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing, so notice where in your life you are being steered in the right direction.

For you, Cancer, this Scorpio Season is asking you to dive deeper into your creativity and self-expression, as well as tapping into what brings you pleasure. It’s time to have some fun and feel good! Like Cancer, Scorpio is a water sign, which invites you to recognize how things feel on a deep, intimate level. With the New Moon on November 4th, you’re asked to turn inward and tap into what it is you want your creative and expressive pursuits to look like. Take note that the answer may surprise you! Given this New Moon’s opposition to Uranus, the planet of change and surprise, we can expect the unexpected. Adding to this element of uncertainty, the Full Moon on November 19th, which is also an Eclipse, lets the Cosmos take the wheel. Highlighting the Taurus and Scorpio axis, you’re asked to look at the pleasures of social gathering and meeting of the minds, versus the complexity of your individualistic pursuit of self-expression. With this lunation, take the time to sit back and witness how those themes are showing up for you and trust that the Cosmos is putting you exactly where you need to be!

While you love being front and center, Leo, this Scorpio Season is all about taking the time to retreat into your home space and connect back to your roots. As the days grow darker and colder, this could be a great time to start deep-diving into your family lineage and ancestry or to craft your home into a space that is cozy and nurturing. The New Moon on November 4th invites you to turn inward and set intentions on how you want your personal, private life to feel. As Scorpio likes to dig deep, take the time to ask yourself intentional, pointed questions to get to the root of what it is you really want. Given this New Moon’s opposition to Uranus, the planet of surprise, you may be a little shocked by what answers you find. Keep in mind, my friend, the surprises in life are what keeps things interesting! On November 19th, the Full Moon in Taurus, which is also an Eclipse, highlights the Taurus and Scorpio axis. This can force you to look at the difference between the pleasures of your public life and the complexities of your private life. While many think they know you, Leo, there’s always more beneath the surface! During Eclipses, however, it’s always best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing; bear witness to the Universe putting you exactly where you need to be.

As the Sun moves into Scorpio, this season is all about digging into the trenches of your communication, mental processing, and learning. As a Virgo, Mercurial themes like communication, attention to detail, learning, and rationalizing are no stranger to you, but in true Scorpio fashion, you’re asked to really peel back the layers and get to the root of the emotion behind it all. The New Moon on November 4th calls you to turn inward and ask yourself the hard-hitting questions: am I communicating in a way that is intentional and empathetic? Are there spaces in which I am holding back? Are there ways in which I can connect back to my community through learning and processing? Keep in mind, my friend, this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of change, so the answers you seek just might surprise you. The Full Moon on November 19th, which is also an Eclipse, highlights the Taurus and Scorpio axis. You’re invited to look at what you know to be true versus that which you believe. While they sometimes intertwine, there is often a difference between the two. Given this lunation is an Eclipse, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos guide you towards that which needs to be revealed. Just remember-- the Cosmos has your back!

After a season of celebrating you, Libra, it’s time to slow things down and take a deep look at your values and finances. If you leaned into the “treat yourself” motto a little too much, this is a great time to start new and transform your relationship to your finances. Meticulously comb through the depths of your bank statements and budgets and take note of the feeling or emotion behind these layers. Also take the time this season to take stock of your personal values; there’s nothing wrong with a little growth and transformation. The New Moon on November 4th asks you to get intentional with your money situation, but keep an eye out for the unexpected! This New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise, so there could be a bill or expense that sneaks up on you. With the Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th, which also happens to be an Eclipse, the Taurus/Scorpio axis gets highlighted, bringing not only your values into focus, but also those of others. With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing-- it’ll put you right where you need to be. Look for fated moments of support from others or situations that call your values into question. Always remember, the Cosmos has your back!

Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio, it is your season! You may be keen on being a little mysterious, flying under the radar, or keeping to yourself, but it’s time to celebrate YOU. As the Sun steps into the depths of Scorpio, your personality, style, appearance, and all things you are brought into the spotlight. Giving you a little pep in your step, your ruler, Mars, moves back into its second home sign of Scorpio on October 30th. With Mars in Scorpio, you’re able to direct your energy and passion in a way that is pointed, calculated, and precise. The New Moon on November 4th invites you to look inward towards who you are and who you want to be, but keep an eye out for the unexpected! This New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of shock and surprise, so there is opportunity for surprising news to arise, especially as it relates to relationships and partnerships in your life. Then, on November 19th, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights these themes of you and others in your life; keep in mind, though, that this Full Moon is also an Eclipse! With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do its thing, so be sure to stay away from any intention setting or manifesting at this time. Remember, the Cosmos has your back! Cheers, Scorpio, to another year around the Sun.

Sagittarius, this Scorpio Season may have you feeling a little energetically and mentally drained as the planets begin to pile up in the area of your life focused on mental health, the subconscious mind, and all that lives beneath the surface. Scorpio invites us to dive deep and get to the root of things, so really take this season to step back and take care of you. As a Sagittarius, you often default to optimism and joy, but sometimes it’s okay to take things seriously -- especially if they’re thoughts, feelings, or emotions that have been dwelling deep within the body. With the New Moon on November 4th, you’re asked to turn inward and really get intentional about how you connect to your subconscious mind and processing. As a reminder, the mental body is just as important as the physical one. Keep in mind, though, this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise, so keep your mind open to any new or surprising news that may come up around this time. On November 19th, we wind down Scorpio

Season with a Full Moon in Taurus, which also happens to be an Eclipse. Highlighting the Taurus/Scorpio axis, you’re called to look at the dichotomy of the simple pleasures you bring into your daily habits and routines, opposite the complexities of your inner workings. Because this is an Eclipse, it’s best to let the Cosmos do it’s thing and trust that the Universe has your back. Be sure to not practice any kind of magic or intention setting around this time, as it may go awry! Be gentle with yourself this season, yours is just around the corner!

This Scorpio Season is all about diving into your social circles and peer groups, and recognizing where within this space you can find growth and transformation. As Scorpio is a water sign, you’re called to tap into the emotion and feeling of these social circles and determine how they’re supporting (or not supporting) your passions. With the New Moon on November 4th, you’re invited to set intentions related to how you want your friendships, peer groups, and networks to flourish. Keep in mind, though, that this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of shock and surprise, so there may be some unexpected or surprising news that comes with this lunation. Then, on November 19th, the Full Moon in Taurus (which also happens to be an Eclipse) highlights the Taurus/Scorpio axis, asking you to look at how your friends and networks support, or don’t support, your self-expression and creativity. With Eclipses, it's always best to sit back and let the Cosmos do its thing, so remember that the Universe has your back. Be sure not to practice any kind of magic or intention setting around this time, as it may go awry. Instead, use this time to really bear witness to the Cosmos working for you.

For you, Aquarius, this Scorpio Season is all about stepping into the spotlight and being recognized for your accomplishments. Scorpio is deep, passionate, and emotive, so really take this as an opportunity to show the world how your passions allow you to shine. With the New Moon on November 4th, you’re invited to set intentions and craft goals related to your reputation and how you’re perceived by the world around you. While bragging about yourself may not be your native state, there is a time and a place, and that time and place is now. Keep an eye out for surprise, however, as this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of surprise and shock. Then, on November 19th, the Full Moon in Taurus (which also happens to be an Eclipse) highlights the Taurus/Scorpio axis. For you, this puts the dichotomy of the pleasures of your private life, and the complexities of your public life, into focus. With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing-- try not to practice any magic or intention setting at this time. Remember, the Universe has your back!

Dear Pisces, this Scorpio Season calls you to tap into the feeling, passion, and mystery of faith, travel, and beliefs. How can you expand and grow through higher learning and deep diving into something new? Here, you may find new opportunities for expansion and abundance. The New Moon on November 4th invites you to get intentional about how it is you want to expand your mind and learn more about the complexities of the world around you. Keep in mind, though, that this New Moon is opposite Uranus, the planet of change-- it’s almost a guarantee that as you start to dig in, what you find will surprise you. Come the Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th,

which is also an Eclipse, the dichotomy of the simplicity of what you know, and the complexities of what you believe, will be highlighted. With Eclipses, it’s best to sit back and let the Cosmos do it’s thing, so be sure to not do any magic or intention setting during this lunation. Remember, the Universe has your back!


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